Climatiq provides a carbon calculation engine that enables product teams to easily embed emission metrics into their software. Delivered through an easy-to-use API, it empowers anyone to automate complex CO2e calculations and understand the carbon footprint of business activities including procurement, freight transport, cloud computing, energy consumption, travel, manufacturing, waste, and more. These calculations are powered by the largest repository of scientifically vetted emission factors, covering 300 regions and all economic sectors.

Founder & CEO
Sold in 2017 to SmartRecruiters Inc.
Foundedn in 2013, Jobspotting is a data-driven job board that matches users with relevant career opportunities. Using data science and machine learning, it offers recommendations based on personal preferences and improves over time through user feedback.


Jobs sites are incredibly dull and boring. More often that not they are full of old or irrelevant jobs, presented in old fashioned interfaces. What is to be done? Jobspotting thinks it has the answer.

Looking for a job online is often a pain, with search sites that haven’t seen a major update in approach for years. Jobspotting is a new Berlin-based startup that wants to make finding relevant vacancies as easy as it is to use recommendation engines from the likes of Netflix and Pandora.

Jobspotting, which partners with Monster Worldwide Inc. and competes with LinkedIn and Indeed Inc., in April secured a six-digit-euro investment from Li’s Horizons Ventures, which has previously funded companies including Facebook Inc. and Spotify Ltd.

Jobspotting is an employment recommendation engine that uses smart technology to find a perfect match between job seekers and employers.
Founded in 2011, BerlinStartupJobs.com is the leading platform for inspiring jobs in the German capital. The site was an instant success, and over the years BerlinStartupJobs.com has connected over 1.000 companies with millions of professionals from all over the world.


At the moment, there appears to be no dearth of job opportunities for those coming to Berlin. [...] The local website Berlin Startup Jobs posts more than sitions that need filling each week.

Exact numbers are difficult to pin down but [...] companies are advertising for jobs on the Berlin Start-up Job website, giving some idea of the scale of the city's draw for tech heads.